Journal of Tropical Forest Science: Volume. 30 No. 1 January 2018

KA Sarifah & S Vimala

Journal of Tropical Forest Science: Volume. 30 No. 1 January 2018 Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM) - Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM) Forest Reserch Institute Malaysia (FRIM) 2018 - 142 Pages "Graf, Picture, & Bar." 30 cm - 1281283 .

"The Journal of Tropical Forest Science (JTFS) is an international reviewed journal concerning the science, technology and development of tropical forests and forest products. The journal welcomes articles reporting original fundamental or applied research on tropical forest biology, ecology, chemistry, management, silviculture, conservation, utilisation and product development. The journal is published four times a year, i.e. January, April, July and October. The Journal of Tropical Forest Science do not charge authors any fee for submitting and publishing their manuscripts."




"Journalism. The periodical press, etc."