The Scientist as Consultant Building New Career Opportunities

Carl J Sindermann

The Scientist as Consultant Building New Career Opportunities Carl J Sindermann - New York Plenum Press 1997 - 341 pages illustrations 22 cm

"The Scientist as Consultant provides essential insights and invaluable advice to any scientist who may be considering consulting as another career possibility. Ranging from a small, part-time venture to a full-time career move, consulting - at any level - is ultimately shaped by you, the scientist, drawing from your specific interests and expertise. Through the guidance of Carl J. Sindermann, scientist and acclaimed author of Winning the Games Scientists Play, and Thomas K. Sawyer, vice president of a highly successful consulting firm, this book will help you decide if this is the right move for you, and if it is, then advise you on what steps to take for a smooth transition into the prosperous career of scientific consulting."


0306456370 9780306456374


Science (General)