Pseudosolution of Linear Functional Equations Parameters Estimation of Linear Functional Relationships
Alexander S Mechenov
Pseudosolution of Linear Functional Equations Parameters Estimation of Linear Functional Relationships Alexander S Mechenov - New York Springer Science+Business Media 2005 - 238 pages Equations 24 cm
Pseudosolution of linear functional equations : parameters estimation of linear functional relationships
0387245057 9780387245058
Meteorology. Climatology Including the earth's atmosphere
Pseudosolution of Linear Functional Equations Parameters Estimation of Linear Functional Relationships Alexander S Mechenov - New York Springer Science+Business Media 2005 - 238 pages Equations 24 cm
Pseudosolution of linear functional equations : parameters estimation of linear functional relationships
0387245057 9780387245058
Meteorology. Climatology Including the earth's atmosphere