Biomimetics Biologically Inspired Technologies
Yoseph Bar-Cohen
Biomimetics Biologically Inspired Technologies Yoseph Bar-Cohen - Boca Raton CRC/Taylor & Francis 2006 - 527 pages "Images, Tables, Illustrations" 26 cm
"Nature is the world's foremost designer. With billions of years of experience and boasting the most extensive laboratory available, it conducts research in every branch of engineering and science. Nature's designs and capabilities have always inspired technology, from the use of tongs and tweezers to genetic algorithms and autonomous legged robots."
0849331633 9780849331633
Animal biochemistry
Biomimetics Biologically Inspired Technologies Yoseph Bar-Cohen - Boca Raton CRC/Taylor & Francis 2006 - 527 pages "Images, Tables, Illustrations" 26 cm
"Nature is the world's foremost designer. With billions of years of experience and boasting the most extensive laboratory available, it conducts research in every branch of engineering and science. Nature's designs and capabilities have always inspired technology, from the use of tongs and tweezers to genetic algorithms and autonomous legged robots."
0849331633 9780849331633
Animal biochemistry